Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blogging Note: Off to Europe

This is to let you know that I'll be in Europe for a couple of weeks or so, but that posts should continue to appear as usual on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The itinerary is: Amsterdam, Haarlem, The Hague, Delft, Arnhem, Cologne, Bruges, Ghent, Brussels and Paris, topped by an unplanned layover in New York City.

I'll be visiting art museums when and where I can fit them into the kind of tourism I prefer: getting to know cities. If any readers know of any not-so-famous-hidden-gem museums in those places, let me know via Comments or email (which I'll check whenever I have a little spare time and can find a WiFi hotspot for my iPad Mini). I can't promise to visit such places, but will try to do so when circumstances permit.


  1. Groeningemuseum in Bruges is wonderful, with paintings that you might not pay attention to in a big, diverse gallery eg Van Eyck or Bouts.

    Come to think of it, Bruges is wonderful altogether. Have a ball!

  2. Another vote for Bruges - an utter delight.
