Thursday, September 8, 2016

Gaston La Touche's La Belle Époque

Gaston La Touche (1854-1913) did not receive expert art training, but his ability and the influence of Impressionist painters and other sources led him to a successful career as a painter and illustrator. As his Wikipedia entry mentions, in 1909 he was named an officer of France's Legion of Honor. More extensive biographical information is here.

La Touche painted a variety of subjects, but often depicted scenes from the ongoing La Belle Époque. He was happy to include fireworks displays and liked masked balls as subjects.

His technique was not hard-core Impressionist. It was rather more like the American Impressionist approach of combining accurate drawing and wispy brushstrokes at the times he was in an Impressionist mood. As best I can tell, La Touche painted using oils, though several of his works viewed over the internet seem as though they were done using pastels.

His paintings don't interest me much, but I nevertheless think they are worth showing you.


At the Opera

Dinner at the Casino - 1903

In the Opera - c.1890

L'Entracte - 1908

L'intrigue nocturne

The Ball

The Champagne

The Joyous Festival

The Promenade

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