Monday, February 27, 2017

More Edgar Maxence

Edgar Maxence (also Edgard Maxence -- né Edgar Henri Marie Aristide Maxence -- 1871-1954) was a French painter with a Symbolist bent. His English Wikipedia entry is here, but it's brief, and the French version is little better. I posted "Edgar Maxence: Symbolism via Women" here, and decided to present more images of his work in the present post.

Mexence mostly used attractive younger women as subjects and tended to place them in religious or otherwise spiritual settings. There were exceptions, of course, and a few are included below.


Le calme du soir - 1903

Concert d'Anges - 1897

Jeanne Maxence - 1898

Le livre de la paix - 1929

Snow Queen
This painting and the one immediately above seem to have featured the same model.

Femme de profile lisant - 1914

Femme en prière
Two mixed-media works.


Femme - 1897

Portrait du femme

Portrait du femme - 1941
A fairly late work.

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