Monday, May 22, 2017

A Portrait by Henry Brown Fuller

Henry Brown Fuller (1867-1934) was a capable painter who left few works of note, if the number of his paintings found via Google is any criterion. Plus, he had personal problems that might well have been related to this. His brief Wikipedia entry is here.

As for the quality of those few images is concerned, one painting, Illusions, is in the Smithsonian American Art Museum collection. Another, his portrait of Ebba Bohm (c.1905) was on display at San Francisco's De Young when I visited in December.

The Ebba Bohm portrait is interesting in part due to its comparative "flatness" -- not poster-like, but far from the rounded, hard-edge academic style that was prevalent only a few decades before Fuller painted Ebba. This characteristic is not so apparent in the images posted here, but for some reason stood out when I viewed the painting in person. I found it a very satisfying work by a not-well-known painter.

This is an image of the painting found on the Internet.

Here is a photo I took at the museum. For some reason it seems "flatter" than the image above. Perhaps it's because the colors seem less intense -- and those colors in my photo seem closer to what I saw than those in the first image.

A close-up photo. Modeling of the head is much less apparent here than in the Internet image.


  1. I have a color lithograph of a painting by H.B. Fuller, 'Triumph of Truth Over Error' (1907) that I picked up in a thrift store years ago. The person running the store wanted it gone because it gave her "the creeps." I find it uplifting and skillfully executed. Like you, I've found very little about this artist online.

  2. I have a lithograph of the Erros of man (Scientology).the pitcure has two angles one dark one light it is very stunning. Strangely I bought this at a garage sale in Oklahoma.

  3. Thanks! This is helpful. Donna M. Lucey in her book Sargent's Women describes him pretty much as a rake and poser, wayward husband of the long-suffering artist Lucia Keller.
