Monday, October 2, 2017

Henry Young Alison: One-Eyed Scottish Painter

Henry Young Alison (1889-1972) both lost an eye and was captured by the Germans during the Great War. By the late 1920s he was an instructor at the Glasgow School of Art and for a brief period was its interim Director. That information, plus a bit more, can be found on this page of the school's web site. There might be more information regarding Alison, but it didn't turn up during my brief Google search.

He painted many landscapes, but I'll feature works below showing people, as I consider that a stronger test of an artist's abilities.

As you will see, Alison was no Modernist, at least not well into the 1930s. His paintings of people are strongly done, solid works.


Cliffs and Rocks
An example of his landscape painting to show that even in this genre he could paint strongly.

Elspeth Galloway - 1914

Highland Chief

Elizabeth Payton

Self-Portrait - 1920s

Lilly Jamieson - c. 1931

Youth - c. 1936
Here Alison combines landscape and portrayal.

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