Thursday, January 9, 2020

Henri Mangin, Fauvist of Sorts

Henri Charles Manguin (1874-1949) studied under Gustave Moreau and was a friend of Henri Matisse. This Wikipedia entry associates him with both Impressionism and Fauvism. His French Wikipedia entry offers more detail.

The images below generally represent his work aside from still lifes. It seems that he didn't actually paint very many strongly Fauvist examples. Prominently featured subjects are his wife Jeanne and Saint-Tropez.


Intérieur - 1900
Probably his bride Jeanne at the writing desk.

La Sieste (Le repos, Jeanne, Le rocking-chair) - 1905
In the South of France.

Jeanne sur le balcon de la villa Demière - 1905
Painted about the same time as the previous work, also with an Impressionist feeling.

Femme à la grappe, villa Demière - 1905-06
Probably Jeanne again, but the feeling is a whiff of Cézanne with a touch of Fauvist coloring.

Le Rocher (La Naïade, Cavalière) - 1906
Jeanne amid mild Impressionism and Fauvism.

Couseuse-rouge - Jeanne - 1907 (detail)
Background brushwork again suggests Cézanne.

Les oliviers à Cavalière - 1906
Finally, some hard-core Fauvism, though painted about the same time as previous images.

Jeanne in Yellow in the Garden at Nuilly
No date for this, so it might be from the very early 1900s.

Le golf
South of France again.

View from the Terrace - 1926-27
The warship in the distance suggests Toulon.

Saint-Tropez, le 14 Juillet,1905
Manguin first visited Saint-Tropez as early as 1904.

Paysage, Saint-Tropez

Saint-Tropez - 1949
Painted the year he died, if the date seen on the Internet is correct. However, the style of the bathing suits seems more 1920s than 1940s -- though I might be mistaken.

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