Thursday, March 26, 2020

Jan Sluijters, Dutch Modernist

Johannes Carolus Bernardus (Jan) Sluijters (1881-1957) was a Dutch painter who delved into various Modernist styles, yet never abandoned representation or practiced abstraction (as best I can tell regarding the latter). A brief Wikipedia entry is here, but from there you can link to a longer one in Dutch.

Due to his apparent continual experimentation, there seems to be little in the way of a distinctive Sluijters style.


Spaanse danseres - 1906
A Spanish dancer.

Cafe de nuit (Bal Tabarin) - 1906
He spent some time in Paris.

Boslaantje - c.1909
Fauvist influence here.

Greet with a Bicycle
Post-impressionist background.

The Artist's Wife (Greet) - c.1910

Vrouwenportret in rood - 1912
Portrait of a lady in red.

Staphorst - 1915
Expressionist townscape.

Gertrud Leistikow Dancing - c.1920

Zelfportret op 22-jarige leeftijd
Self-portrait, age 22.  His earliest works tended to be in traditional style.

Zelfportret - 1924
Apparently the effect of 20 years' hard work in his studio.

Charlotte Erika Frankfurter-Brandt - 1936
This verges on pure representation, though there is a whiff of 1930s modernist simplification.

Moonlight-Night View on Montreux with the Chateau de Chilloin - 1954
A late work, still somewhat Modernist.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog trying to find info on Myron Perley (diging his advertisements in Harpers Bazaar alongside Gerda Wegener's)... this is great stuff! I'd never heard of Jan Sluijters and thank you for the introduction! Your blog is enjoyable and welcome from a fan who feels much like the "Zelfportret" above ;).
