Monday, April 20, 2020

John Bulloch Souter, Scottish Painter

I find John Bulloch Souter (1890-1972) hard to pin down artistically, though it can be fairly said that his style was representational and that he was good at likenesses. Some biographical information is here.

Below are examples of his work.


Mrs Ogilvie - 1914
I like this portrait very much: a striking image.

The Birth of Venus
This seems out-of-character. Perhaps it was made early in his career, though one Internet source speculates it might have been painted in 1923. Regardless, it was auctioned by Christie's as one of his works.

Portrait of an Unknown Officer - c.1925

The Yellow Dress
Various titles are assigned to this painting.

Fay Compton (1894–1978) (possibly as Crawford in 'This Woman Business' by Benn W. Levy) - 1927
To me, this is not up to Souter's likeness standards.

A Chelsea Conversation
Different, casually done.

Mrs C. H. Souter (the artist's sister-in-law)
Fashionably Japanese.

Portrait of the Countess of Cranbrook
Again no date, so I'll guess it's from the mid-1930s or the 1950s to judge by her hairdo.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir John H. D. Cunningham (1885–1962), GCB, MVO, First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff (1946–1948) - c.1947
Interesting that this personage is shown holding a cigarette.

Artist's Wife with Lace Collar
I really like this sketch because the facial expression is so life-like. Reminds me of a lady friend of days gone by.

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