Monday, July 6, 2020

Assortment of Arthur Mathews Paintings

Arthur Frank Mathews (1860-1945) was a California painter whose favored toned-down colors and, when dealing with people, mannered scenes. All of this was very much of his time and locale. I enjoy viewing his works, especially when I can see them in person.

I last wrote about Mathews here, and here is his Wikipedia entry.

The images below are some that I grabbed from my painting database. No theme in mind other than showing some of the variety of his production.


The Grape - 1906
I've seen this several times in San Francisco's de Young Museum, but it might not be on permanent display.

California - 1905

Mathews sometimes ventured to the nearby Monterey area as this and the following two painting attest.

Monterey Bay

Afternoon Among the Cypress - 1905
This might have been in the present 17-Mile Drive area of the Monterey Peninsula

The Wave - c. 1900
He dabbled in scenes of mermaids.

Woman and swan
Women were a favorite subject.

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