Monday, January 31, 2022

José Moreno Carbonero, Painter of History and Don Quixote

José Moreno Carbonero (1858-1942), Wikipedia entry here, was well known and respected in Spain during his career.  The Prado has some of his paintings in its collection.

He seems to be best known for his historical paintings, but Internet image searches turned up a number of works dealing with Don Quixote.  These subjects are featured below.

Moreno Carbonero's style varied somewhat according to subject matter.   The historical images have a near-Academic feeling, whereas his Quixote pictures have more of an illustration cast.  He also painted many portraits, but examples seen via the Internet varied considerably in technique.


Entrada de Roger de Flor en Constantinopla - 1888
His major history scene.

Conversión del duque de Gandía - 1884
Another important work.

Prince Don Carlos of Viana - 1881

La fundación de Buenos Aires - 1910, reworked by 1924

El desembarco de Alhucemas - 1929
Spanish troops embarking for Morocco to end the Rif War.

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza - 1911

Don Quixote and the Windmills

Don Quixote and the Broken Tooth

Don Quixote Halting the Caravan - 1911
Several Quixote scenes were panoramic, rather than up-close.

Santa Maria Della Salute seen from the Academia, Venice
He painted several Venice cityscapes.

King Alfonso XIII - 1927
Much more sketchy than usual.  It seems to be unsigned, so it originally was probably a study.

Dance with Tamborine on Beach
Some paintings are rather splotchy.

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