Monday, February 14, 2022

Robert Fawcett -- Discovering the Murder

Robert Fawcett (1903-1967) was partly colorblind.  Perhaps that was why his strengths as an illustrator were in composition and depiction of people and objects.  A brief biography is here.  I wrote about his early work here.

In the 1950s Fawcett illustrated many stories that appeared in major American general-interest magazines such as Saturday Evening Post and Collier's.  Quite a few of those were murder mystery stories.  Since those involved bodies, it made dramatic sense for Fawcett to show the body being discovered or perhaps examined by the detective.

Some examples are shown below.


These first three illustrations depict participants unknown to me.

From a Sherlock Holmes story in Collier's Magazine.

Another Sherlock Holmes story in Collier's.

Hercule Poirot finds this body in another mid-1950s Collier's issue.

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