Monday, December 12, 2022

George Giguere, Illustrator

George Giguere was an American illustrator about whom I have little information.  I could find no biographical facts on the Internet.  Walt Reed's indispensibe book "The Illustrator in America: 1970-2000" only mentioned that he had a long, sucecssful career, listing some publications that carried his work.  No dates for birth and death, though it seems he was most active during the period 1910-1940.

That said, he was good at his trade but not outstanding.  Below are some images of his work.  I have almost no information as to their dates.  For example, I cannot tell if the Western scenes were early works or were made for Pulp magazines during the Great Depression later in his career.


Anthony Visiting Cleopatra - 1924
It seems this was a self-promotion painting: click to greatly enlarge.

Home From the War
Probably made in 1919.

Cowboy fight scene

Quick Triggers

Runaway horse

Protecting the Derricks
Giguere's style varied considerably: compare to the two previous and two following illustrations.

Confederate Soldiers at Rest

The Garden Dance, Evening Fete
The background and its figure remind me of the work of Thomas Wilmer Dewing.

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