Monday, April 10, 2023

Charles Atamian's Beach Scenes

Charles Garabed Atamian (1872-1947), of Armenian descent, was born in Turkey, educated in Constantinople and Italy.   For a few years he was chief designer at a Constantinople porcelain works, but fled to Paris in 1897.   His French career included book illustration as well as painting.  This information and some more can be found here.

His paintings included many beach scenes, and some of those are presented below.  These were mostly or entirely made in the Vendée at Saint-Gilles-Croix de Vie, a fishing harbor and resort town not far from Nantes.  A lengthy plage extends south from the town.

His style is free, and some paintings are like sketchy studies, though they are signed.  They seem to be from the 1930s.



Les enfents et le château de sable - Children and Sand Castle

Playing on the Beach

Promenade on the Beach

Lecteur - Reader


At the Beach
Unlike the other paintings, this is in the form of a snapshot of a friend, or perhaps the artist's wife.  Very sketchy, but signed.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Donald, your blog has incredible posts. You expose me to images and paintings that otherwise wouldn't be possible for me.
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    Greetings from Portugal,
