Monday, June 12, 2023

Frederick L. Packer, From Art Nouveau to Political Cartooning

Frederick Little Packer (1886-1956), about whom little can be found on the Internet, was an illustrator, later a political cartoonist.

Available on-line illustrations are mostly of a 1920 series he did for the Vivadou cosmetics firm's Mavis series.  Several of those advertisements are shown below.

Also shown is Packer's editorial cartoon that won the Pulitzer Prize in 1952.

Note the extreme stylistic difference.  As it happened, editorial cartooning was probably a lot more steady source of income than advertising art for Packer, so I can't really blame him for making the switch in 1932 when the great Depression was at its worst.


"September," part of the 1920 Mavis advertising campaign.

This is Packer's Pulitzer Prize winner.  Hard to believe the same artist did both.

More Mavis ads ...

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