Monday, August 7, 2023

Félix Ziem, Yet Another Painter of Venice

Félix Ziem (né Félix-Francois Georges Philibert Ziem: 1821-1911) was a financially successful artist, according to his Wikipedia entry.

His initial training was in architecture, which might help explain his interest in depicting places such as Venice and Constantinople.  However, his painting style was fairly loose, not like the precise, detailed presentation renderings expected of architects.  Other than whatever art instruction he received in architecture school, it seems he had little formal training.

Unless noted, titles of the images below are via the Internet.


Gondole à Venise
Note how loosely the building is painted.  I don't have a date for this painting, but I wonder if Ziem was influence by Impressionism.

Saint Mark from the Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice
The rendering here is more precise.

Venice - 1879
Ziem liked to include boats to add interest.

Venise gondole et voiliers sur le grand canal

Venise le grand-bassin

View of Grand Canal and Rialto bridge (my title)

Aqua Alta
Saint Mark's Square flooded.

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