Monday, November 29, 2010

Lluis Masriera, Versatile Catalonian

The painting shown above, Ombres reflectides (1920) was one of the more interesting ones I noticed while making a mad dash (not recommended) through Barcelona's Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (Wikipedia entry here and Web site here.)

It's by Lluis Masriera (1872-1958). I couldn't find much biographical information about him during a brief Google search other than this Wikipedia entry (in Spanish) and a blog post by a antiques advisor here. The latter is informal and includes at least one factual error (a 1906 commission from Queen Victoria was impossible because the monarch had died five years earlier).

At any rate, it turns out that Masriera is better known for his jewelry design than his painting. An example of the former is shown below.

1 comment:

  1. Lluis Masriera was a master jewelry maker, i love his stuff (eventhough there is little possiblity of me owning a piece of his at the moment). His enamel work is first rate, plique a jour and Cloisonne. I hope to one day work that could be any where close to his.
