Monday, January 7, 2013

Thomas Anshutz

Thomas Pollock Anshutz (1851-1912) was a painter and art instructor who studied under and later worked with the better-known Thomas Eakins. Anshutz's Wikipedia entry is here.

He became the lead instructor at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts after Eakins left. His students included Robert Henri, George Luks, John Sloan, Everett Shinn and John Marin, all of whom are better known than him today. Nevertheless, Anshutz was a skilled painter whose lack of acclaim might in part be due to his not buying heavily into modernist artistic ideology (if his paintings are any evidence).


The Ironworkers at Noontime - 1880

Woman Writing at a Table

Figure Piece - 1909

Lady with Bonnet

The Incense Burner - c.1905

A Rose - 1907
These last two paintings seem to feature the same model.


  1. Don, do you have any views on the popular minor art form emerging on youtube where people combine images and music? Here's a Benny Carter tune with Martin Lewis graphics.

    And here's a Haydn string quartet with paintings by Alfred Henry Maurer.

  2. dearieme -- Now and then I come across someone asserting a link between art & music. I know this was part of the basis of the Synchromist early abstract painters. Still, I find this a weaker claim than what is said to be an affinity between music and math.

    Me? I'm utterly un-musical in terms of being able to perform it.

    I seem to have a hard time dealing with static art combined music which, by its nature, moves through time. (This is in contrast to background music in movies.)

    A few years ago I went to a concert, part of which has projected images of paintings and other art objects shown in sequence while the orchestra was playing something or other. It did nothing for me. At the time, I thought it was silly.

    I'm sure many others in the audience reacted much more positively. Probably I'm the weird one.

  3. Awkward lack of balance, it strikes me. Well-lit figures in the foreground, lots of detail, very murky backgrounds in which detail is invisible.

    Granted, the foreground is what counts, but there's something frustrating about not being able to make out what is behind the subject of the painting. Not sure how best to change this -- maybe somewhat simpler backgrounds with a just a little bit more illumination? But I'm no artist --What's your thought?
