Friday, May 3, 2013

Karl Albert Buehr's Ladies and Parasols

According to this account, it seems that Karl Albert Buehr (1866–1952) was a successful Chicago area artist and teacher (at the Art Institute), one I hadn't heard of until recently.

He was born in Germany and emigrated to America as a teenager with his family. He later spent time in the Giverny, France artist colony near where Claude Monet lived. So Buehr was Impressionist-influenced, but his non-landscape paintings were of the American version of Impressionism that featured stronger drawing than the classical French style of Monet.

Sometime around when he was in Giverny, Buehr did a number of paintings of young women that included brightly colored, Japanese inspired parasols. Here are a few:


Red-Headed Girl with Parasol - c.1912

In Repose - c.1915

Picnic on the Grass

Under the Parasol

Woman with Parasol


  1. There is something magical about Edwardian women of a certain class, at leisure in their gardens. Reading, having afternoon tea or tending to the children...just like E Phillips Fox and Laura Knight.

    Their Edwardian whites were soft, beautiful dresses and more sensible than their mothers' corset-bound affairs.

  2. His women look a little sour-faced to me.

  3. Perhaps the women are weary of the male gaze.
