Thursday, December 24, 2015

Alfredo Ambrosi, Aeropittura Artist

Alfredo Gauro Ambrosi (1901-1945) -- Wikipedia entry in French here -- was not the most famous or best practitioner of Aeropittura, a late form of Futurism, but I thought it would be worth presenting some of his paintings here.

I posted on Aeropittura here and about Tullio Cruli, perhaps the best of the lot, here.


Colosseo - Colosseum
Aerial view of Rome's Coloseum from the northwest.

Aero-ritratto di Benito Mussolini aviatore - Aero Portrait of Benito Mussolini, Aviator - 1930
Related to the upper painting of the Colosseum, but the city view is extended to around the Piazza Venezia where Mussolini's famous speech-site balcony was located.

Fiesta aerea - Aviation Meet - 1932

Prima crociera atlantica su Rio de Janeiro - First Trans-Atlantic Crossing, Over Rio de Janeiro - 1933
Italo Balbo, head of Italian aviation, led two long-distance formation flights across the Atlantic, the first to Rio in 1930, a later one to the USA in 1933.

Volo su Vienna - Flight over Vienna - 1933
This commemorates the Gabriele D'Annunzio-led 9 August 1918 Flight over Vienna, an exceptionally long-distance operation during the Great War.

Aero-ritratto di Gianni Caproni - 1938
Portrait of airplane designer and builder Giovanni Caproni.

Pronto per l'attaco / Canale di Sicilia, 1942 - Ready to Attack
A World War 2 scene.


  1. Great to present these AGA paintings, and draw attention to Futurism, a somewhat neglected movement due to its association with Italian fascism. Yet it's hard to see immorality or political malfeasance in these images now (even the naked propaganda of the Mussolini icons seem as politically remote as any Greek statue, neutralized by time to pure aesthetics). Love these aviation pictures, the pure romanticism of them. The flight of Italo Balbo and his squadron of 12 Savoia-Marchetti flying boats from Italy to Rio in 1930 was something (you can see the influence in the H.G. Wells story/movie Things To Come (1936) in the flying wing aircraft led by Raymond Massey) (well, so I think). The best of modernism... before everything went to hell with abstract impressionism (ha ha).


  2. Hi,
    liked your post.
    A couple of corrections:
    It is Festa Aerea not Fiesta (Fiesta is Spanish).
    and attacco is spelled with two c (In "pronto per l'attacco")

    Good stuff,


