Thursday, March 23, 2017

More Richard E. Miller Paintings

Richard Edward Miller (1875-1943) painted many pictures of pretty young women in casual settings, often in the American Impressionist style. He often reused the same dresses and other costumes for several paintings over several years, as I posted here. Biographical information on Miller is here.

The present post presents a wider variety of his works made from about 1905 to the early 1940s. Not included are some sketches from around 1900 and a few late Moderne style works (that I'm not yet certain are by him).


Café de la Paix - c.1905

The Chinese Statuette - 1910
More plaid dresses can be found below.

Chinese Statuette - 1919
A recycled pose.

From his days in Giverny, Claude Monet's haunts.

The Green Cage - c.1914

Princess in the Land of Sunshine
This might have been done while he was in Pasadena, California.

Afternoon Thoughts
Her costume can be seen on other paintings.

Woman Seated at Dressing Table - c.1925

Girl sleeping (The Plaid Skirt)
No date for this that I've been able to find, but I think it's a late work due its style.

Young Lady Sewing
The lady's hair style suggests late 1930s or early 1940s.

Young Lady Reading
From around the same time as the previous painting.

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