Thursday, July 13, 2017

Friedrich von Kaulbach Paints Hanna Ralph

Friedrich August von Kaulbach (1850-1920), an important Munich artist in his day, occasionally painted several portraits of one subject. I previously wrote about his multiple portraits of opera singer Geraldine Farrar here. Some background on Kaulbach is here.

Besides Farrar, Kaulback devoted a fair amount of canvas and oil paint to Hanna Ralph (1888-1978) née Johanna Antonia Adelheid Günther, a stage and screen actress. Her Wikipedia entry is here.


Photo of Hanna from 1918.

Kaulbach portrait probably painted around 1915-17.

This version from Seattle's Frye Museum includes the same hat and pose as in the previous painting.

Another portrait, this dated c. 1917.  Might have been made around the same time as the others: note the similarity of Hanna's hair styles.

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