Thursday, August 1, 2019

Garrett Price of the New Yorker

Garrett Price (1897–1979) is best known -- to me, at least -- for his New Yorker cartoons. His career was more varied than that, however. Besides cartoons, he illustrated books and for three years wrote and drew a comic strip. His Wikipedia entry is here, and here is a lengthy piece that goes into a good deal of detail regarding Price.

Successful though he was, Price's cartoon style strikes me as being more functional than distinctive. Fellow New Yorker cartoonists Charles Addams and Peter Arno, for example, had highly distinctive styles and became famous, unlike Price.

Examples of Price's work are below. Be aware that New Yorker cartoonists often (perhaps usually) did not come up with the ideas they illustrated: outsiders regularly submitted ideas to the editor.


Life cover - 21 January 1926
Price did not work exclusively for The New Yorker.

Stage Magazine - May 1933

New Yorker

New Yorker
Judging by the woman's dress, this was a late 1920s cartoon.

New Yorker

New Yorker
The girl is nicely posed and drawn. Clearly Price often dialed down his illustration skills for his cartoon work, but not here.

New Yorker

New Yorker cover - 29 August 1925
A cover from the earliest days of The New Yorker. I suppose the joke is that the man is eating, whereas the flappers are having coffee or tea, but I could easily be wrong.

New Yorker cover - 12 July 1941
New Yorker covers often made no special point.

New Yorker cover - 30 August 1941
Here, six or so weeks later, Price worked in a more solid style.

New Yorker cover - 19 August 1951
This cover notes the opening of the United Nations Secretariat building.

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