Monday, December 23, 2019

Eduardo Viana, Early Portuguese Modernist

Eduardo Afonso Viana (1881-1967) seems to have spent most of his career in Lisbon, his home town, though like so many others he did study in Paris. His Wikipedia entry is here, but from there you can link to a much longer entry in Portuguese.

I didn't find definite examples of his early paintings, so the images below include Orphist works in a Synthetic Cubist manner. Later on, he seems to have drifted towards a more conventional approach. But I might be wrong: some cityscapes below might have been pre-Cubist, because I have no dates for them.

What I can definitely state about Viana is that his color work is strikingly bold, yet often pleasing.


Interior - 1914
A blend of representational art (the still life part) with some modernist distortion (the simplified figures).

Duas irmãs - 1914

Retrato de Mily Possoz
A hint of Cubism in the background: I don't have a date for this, but probably around 1914.

A revolta das bonecas (La revuelta de las muñecas) - 1916

K4 Quadrado Azul - 1916
By 1916 he was into his Orphist-Cubist phase.

Maria Pia Bridge, view of the city of Oporto

Ponte Luis
These are difficult to date -- could be either slightly before or after his bout with hard-core Modernism.

Seated woman
Probably not pre- Great War.

Again, probably painted sometime after the war.

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