Thursday, June 4, 2020

George Bridgman, Teacher of Anatomy Drawing

George Brandt Bridgman (1864-1943) was born someplace in Ontario (the links below are vague about just where) and spent most of his career teaching anatomy at New York City's Art Student's League. There are several books he authored and illustrated that remain in print.

A useful summary of his career is here, and his Wikipedia entry is brief but has a long list of artists who studied under him.

Those former students include: McClelland Barclay, Will Eisner, Lee Krasner, Andrew Loomis, Paul Manship, John Cullen Murphy and Norman Rockwell. For a while Rockwell served as his classroom assistant, as the first link mentions.  Bridgman was a student of Jean-Léon Gérôme at the École des Beaux-Arts  in Paris.

Below are images of his drawings found here and there on the Internet. Bridgman favored a structural approach to anatomy featuring masses and some geometry.


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