Thursday, August 13, 2020

Mikhail Vrubel's Demon Series

Mikhail Vrubel (1856-1910) was an interesting Russian painter active in the late 19th century who I wrote about here.  I stated: "[He] began to work on images of a demon based on an epic poem by Mikhail Lermontov.  His first Demon painting in 1890 was noteworthy enough to launch his career."  Vroubel's lengthy Wikipedia entry is here.

The present post presents images from the Demon series that I found on the internet.  Having viewed many of the paintings in Russia several years ago, I can assure you that they are large and quite impressive when seen in person.  That said, some of the images below can be enlarged by clicking on them, though the impact is nothing like that of the real things.


Head of a Demon (drawing) - c. 1890

Head of a Demon - 1890

Head of a Demon - c. 1890
Various Internet sites present this in different color schemes, so I don't know what the original colors were.

Flying Demon - 1899

The Demon Downcast - 1902
Wikipedia link here.

Seated Demon - 1890
Probably Vrubel's most famous Demon painting.  Wikipedia entry here.

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