Thursday, October 15, 2020

More Edgar Payne Images

Edgar Alwin Payne (1883-1947), as I noted here a few years ago, is one of my favorite California Impressionist painters.  His Wikipedia entry is here.

Although he included people in the form of tiny figures in his paintings, so far as I know no close-up portrait-type images by him exist.  One of the few Payne paintings where human figures predominate is "Navajo Scouting Party" shown immediately below.

In the Gallery following the main text is another sampler of of his works (more can be seen in the link above to my previous post dealing with him).


In the Canal, Chioggia
Chioggia is a small port city at the south end of the Venetian Lagoon.

Valley of St. Gervais
Perhaps more a sketch than a finished painting, Payne used broad brushwork here.

Temple Crag
Another sketch-type work, here a California scene.

Surging Sea
Not a placid subject.  Payne either had to wait a few waves to catch dramatic ones such as this while painting, or else he invented the wave relying on memory or perhaps used a reference photo.

San Gabriel Road
Not a typical Payne scene because it's urban, in a small way.

Riders Overlooking Canyon
He probably added the figures to provide a sense of scale.

Lake Lucerne
Note the many vertical brush strokes and the layering of colors.

1 comment:

  1. I have just located your blog...and it is indeed a tribute to this great artist.
    Once I have absorbed some of the information I will probably send further remarks/posts. Many thanks,
    Paul F Austin (Southlands Art Centre, Tutor, West Drayton Middx.
