Monday, November 29, 2021

Some Cruise Ship Art

Paintings or reproductions are commonly found in hotel rooms or similar accommodations such as cruise ship cabins.

Recently (October-November 2021) I found myself on a fancy cruise ship on the Mediterranean.  It had art almost everyplace.  Even each of the cabins seemed to have different works, and not just the same reproductions in the same spots.

The cruise ship was no art museum, and there surely was a painting acquisition budget.  A result was that nearly all this original art was of mediocre quality (according to my biased perspective).

Some iPhone snapshots I hurriedly made the day before the cruise ended are displayed below.  I didn't bother with abstract paintings, focusing on some that were somewhat representational.  Since the ship was built and fitted out in Europe, European paintings seem to be what was purchased.


La Visita by Arcadio Cancio - 2002
Quite Picasso-like.

"In the Circus" by Uver Solís - 1953
I'm not sure how to categorize this.

"Piano Woman" by Hiremio Santa Olaya García - 2011

There were a few strongly naturalistic paintings such as this one.  It had no title posted, nor the name of the painter.

Not badly done, though the brushwork on the woman's arms is unfortunate.

1 comment:

  1. It's not originals, might be a reproduction of Picasso and the café scene is by Ron Hicks. I did this job for several hotels and cruise ships but we did install originals by young artists instead of bad quality reproduction as usual. That was fun to accomplish. Even major palaces were use to pin up some bad prints. Not the case anymore...
