Monday, March 28, 2022

Some Palma de Mallorca Architecture

Palma is the main city on Mallorca -- Wikipedia entry here.  The above image is of its cathedral.

Mallorca is a popular vacation destination for Europeans, and the city's prosperity reflects that popularity.  Below are some photos featuring architecture that I took when I visited in early November 2021.


Bay windows on a shopping street.

Looking up.

Some ornamentation.

More bay windows.

Now for some Antoni Gaudi- like Art Nouveau exterior trim.

Detail view.

Street level.

Corner bay windows.

A fancy set of doors.

Interestingly decorated corner.  Again, harking to 1900 Barcelona.

Passeig des Born - a major Palma street.


  1. Nice. I kinda didn't know about this Spanish Island! Looked it up. Has a round Castell de Bellver among other things too.

  2. I do love Bauhaus and even stayed in the dorm at Weimar. But modernism kinda broke architecture in many ways. The latest big modern buildings (I live in NYC) have generally forgotten form specifying function or anything else in favor of just being cheap or pointlessly attention getting.
