Monday, July 18, 2022

Up Close: Pauline Astor by John Singer Sargent

Pauline Astor (ca. 1880-1972) was the daughter of William Waldorf Astor and granddaughter of John Jacob Astor III.  Her portrait was painted ca. 1898-99 by John Singer Sargent.  As best I can discover, it is in the William Morris Collection, and was on loan to The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California, where I saw in in January of 2010.

I took a few photos of it with a digital camera that seldom did a decent job of focusing on paintings.

Sargent made Miss Astor seem like a very attractive young woman, so I thought I'd pass my photos along in this post.  Click on the images to enlarge somewhat.


The portrait as seen at the Huntington.

Zooming in to typical portrait detail.

Showing Sargent's treatment of fabrics.

Closeup of Pauline's face.

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