Monday, July 25, 2022

Anglada Camarasa's Women

In 2013 I wrote about Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa (1871–1959); his brief English language Wikipedia entry is here.

My post mentioned that:

"Spanish artists have the reputation of being especially fond of the color black, and Anglada used his share.  But he also made good use of bright colors to the point where some of his work has been associated with Fauvism, a movement he was well aware of.  He also has been mentioned as a kind of Catalonian Gustav Klimt with respect to his treatment of women in some of his paintings.

"I find Anglada something of a mixed bag.  Much is rather heavily painted and, due to influence by the modernist styles that abounded in his day, there is inconsistency in his approach and little in the way of artistic progression.  Nevertheless, several of his paintings are arrestingly interesting, particularly those featuring women and some of his later landscapes."

A few paintings featuring women were included in that post.  Today I present more examples, none of which aside from a drawing are conventionally representational.  After all, Anglada was a Modernist


Le Paon Blanc - 1904
"The White Peacock" - shown in the previous Anglada post.

Blanquita - 1902
From his Paris years.

Woman in flower garden
I have no information about this, though her dress suggests circa 1915.

Mur céramique - 1904
Parisian women before a "ceramic" wall.

Fleurs de Paris - ca.1902-03

Nightbird - c.1913
By this time Anglada's women were less fuzzy-looking.

Girls of Burriana - c.1910-11
Strong colors and elaborate decoration.

Woman with fan - 1908
For some reason her face is shaded: to highlight the costume?

La maja del Guadalquivir - c.1943
A fairly late example of a female portrayal.  Strong colors, décor, and sharply drawn face.

Drawing of a woman's face
I don't have a date for this.  The eyes seem too wide for her face.

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