Monday, August 29, 2022

James E. Allen, Illustrator and Printmaker

James Edmund Allen (1894-1964) is known for his illustration work, but is perhaps better known for his prints.  More background is here.

According to the link above, not many of his original illustration paintings survive.  But examples of his prints do.  Below are some examples of each type of work.

Allen was a competent illustrator.  However, due to the lack of images of his illustrations on the Internet, I feel that I can't provide a fair, comparative evaluation.


Painted 1928 for the story "A Carolan Comes Home" by Mary Synon in The Ladies' Home Journal, January 1929
I wrote about this illustration here.

Detail of I photo I took of it: click to enlarge.

Illustration from 1921
Apparently most of his 1920s illustrations were painted in oil.

"The Trembling God," story by Emma-Lindsay Squier in Good Housekeeping, 1927

The Sky Man - 1932
He made many prints of construction scenes.

Arch of Steel (Bayonne Bridge) - 1937
A particularly dramatic composition.

Illustration showing US Army Field Artillery - c. 1941
Exaggerated ... unusual for Allen.  The caption I found on the Internet said he made it, but that might be mistaken.

Harbor - 1953
Realistic, but Allen also was doing abstract work around this time.

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