Friday, January 16, 2015

Identify the Artist

I download a lot of images to my desktop computer. Some are reference photos. Others are intended to be used in posts on this blog. Quite a few are snagged simply because they interest me.

Of the latter group, there are a few where I can't identify the artist. In some cases, they are not signed. Others, I can't quite read the artist's signature. I think I'm in need of help, so please take a look at the images below and, if you know who the artist was, let me know in a comment. Thank you in advance.


Number 1
An interesting setting, though not a great fine arts painting. But it might be a pretty good illustration.
* * *
Aha! Even before I added this post to the publication queue, I discovered that it's by Charles Hoffbauer, painted in 1907 and given the English title "In the Restaurant." Hoffbauer was one of those artists who did edge near the border of fine arts painting and illustration.

Number 2
Not a high priority here, but I find it interesting because it's so 1930s escapist from the Depression (which had eased a bit at the time this was done). Note the use of watercolor, a big shift from the common use of oil paints in the 1920s.

Number 3
This looks like a detail from ad advertisement, perhaps an ad for cigarettes. Very 1920s. I like it.

Number 4
This I don't especially like, but the treatment of the background figures interests me. It's from 1930 and the style is similar to what Bernard Boutet de Monvel was doing around that time. I wrote about him here. In this case, there is a signature. The first name looks like it might be "James," but the rest is hard for me to read. It looks like there's a "+" sign, so maybe two artists contributed; the style for the foreground and background figures look like they might be by different hands.

Number 5
From a Simoniz car wax advertisement of around 1936 or 37. No signature, but it reminds me of Earl Cordrey's work. However, there were plenty of other illustrators in those days who could have done it.

Number 6
This interests me the most, so I find it the most frustrating. No signature, but the little box with initials that might be "BT." Or something else. It was painted in 1926, but my reference material for that era comes up short.
* * *
On the other hand, this source says it's by Saul Tepper, and that could very well be true, given the quality of the painting. It also includes a Tepper image from 1939 with a similar identification, but where the "S" doesn't look like a "B" or whatever. (Tepper typically signed an illustration using his full name.) So in this case, let me know if this image is not by Tepper.


  1. On number 6, I read that as a 'ST' not 'BT'. The box around the initials clips the 'S' making it look like a 'B'. On the Saturday Evening Post, "Logging Fool" cover from: the 'S' is detached from the frame and more obvious.

  2. Number 4. Could it be James Trembath?

  3. I love that first painting and uploaded it to Google Image search.
    It's by Charles Hoffbauer - In the Restaurant, 1907.
    Tried a couple of the others, but no luck.

  4. #4 is indeed James Trembath, who was a regular cover artist for Judge magazine.
