Thursday, July 30, 2015

Suzanne Valadon's (Restored) Studio

The previous post featured photos I took last week in the Musée de Montmartre of a "restoration" of the apartment of artist/model Suzanne Valadon who lived in the main building for a time. This post deals with the "restoration" of her studio.

As previously noted, I put the word restoration in quotation marks because, as this link indicates (scroll down), the project completed last year based on work by Hubert Le Gall contains almost none of Valadon's actual possessions, which presumably have been lost for years. Instead, Gall relied on Valadon's paintings and a few photos to reconstruct the setting as best he could.

Below are some photos taken of Valadon in an atelier setting, though not necessarily in the building at 12 rue Cortot in Paris' XVIII arrondissement. These are followed by a few of my snapshots.


Suzanne Valadon at her easel.

Studio view: the painting of flowers is also in photos of mine, below.  Her husband, André Utter, also used this studio and some of the paintings might have been his.

Suzanne, her son Maurice Utrillo, and André Utter.

Vadadon, Utter and Utrillo.

Painting of Sacré-Coeur by Utrillo on far wall.


  1. I had totally forgotten that Suzanne Valadon's son was Maurice Utrillo. So it makes perfect sense that the painting of Sacré-Coeur by Utrillo would be placed on her wall. Thank you.

  2. Hi! I've been to the studio on Rue Cortot too.
    I'm writing an article on Suzanne Valadon and would like to know where you found the black and white photos of Valadon. I would like to cite them.

    Thanks very much. hazel dot smith at sympatico dot ca.

  3. Hazel -- I drafted the post four years ago, so I can't be certain. But it's highly likely that those images were found here and there on the Internet. Go to some search engines and try to find them.
