Thursday, January 2, 2020

More Fred Taylor Poster Art

I wrote here about Fred Taylor (1875-1963), best known for his London and North Eastern Railway (LNER) poster art during the 1920s and 1930s.

His work was almost always pleasing, so below are more examples for your viewing pleasure.


The illustration part of a larger poster.

Showing Queen Elizabeth I's 1564 visit to King's College Chapel, Cambridge. I was there once for Evensong, and it strikes me that the height of the interior seems a bit exaggerated in part because the size of the people seems too small.

Moderne architecture required similarly simplified treatment.

Seen from the far side of the Neckar River.

An unusual view, and not what a 1920s tourist would ever see.

A 1930s vintage poster when Taylor and other illustrators simplified their styles to conform to artistic fashion.

A little fuzzy because the original was slightly smaller. Nevertheless, a nicely done scene.

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