Monday, January 6, 2020

Up Close: Boldini's Crossing the Street

The Clark museum in Williamstown, Massachusetts has a number of first-class paintings dating from the late 19th century, and I have featured some of them in this blog.

One painting I saw there that wasn't first-class, but nevertheless very good and an interesting example of the artist's work is "Crossing the Street" (1873-75) by Giovanni Boldini. Its Clark page is here.

Boldini is most famous for his later flashy style of portrait painting, so this work is notable as a good example of what he was doing on his way to it.


Image of the painting found on the Internet.

My iPhone establishment shot. This is a small painting: compare to its plaque.

Detail iPhone picture: click to enlarge. Note the leering man in the carriage at the left.

1 comment:

  1. This painting was exhibited here in England a short while ago. I was very impressed by it "in the flesh". The reproductions I have seen do not do it justice. It has a certain magic.
