Monday, March 14, 2022

More Jean-Gabriel Domergue

Back in 2012 I wrote about Jean Gabriel Domergue (1889-1962, French Wikipedia entry here).

I mentioned that some of his early illustrations and paintings were interesting, but the pin-up style he eventually developed was not: mostly stereotyped and repetitious.

That said, it's time to present more of his earlier works.


À l'ombre d'une jeune fille en fleur - 1922

Mme Spinelli - c.1922

Perfume advertisement illustration - 1925

Portrait of Maria Luisa Cabral Metelo - 1925

Mrs Heathcote - 1927

Mme O'Deril - 1930

Cabaret scene - c.1935
The face of the woman at the right is a verion of his pin-up style.

Élégante en profile

Woman in uniform
I can't quite read the date, thought it might be 1939 when World War 2 began.

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