Monday, November 14, 2022

Sagrada Familia from a Higher Perspective

Barcelona's Sagrada Familia basilica is a fascinating work of architecture designed by Antoni Gaudi.   Nowadays it's a major tourist attraction as well as the city's architectural symbol (akin to Paris' Eiffel Tower, London's Big Ben and Seattle's Space Needle).

I was in Barcelona November 2021, took photos of the Sagrada Familia, and posted about its exterior details here and its interior here.

I was in Barcelona again early October 2022, and took more photos of the exterior.  What makes these pictures somewhat different is their viewpoint.  It seems we stayed one night in a nearby apartment building on its fourth floor (fifth floor, in American terms).  That way, I was looking more at the Sagrada than up at it.

Some of the photos I took are presented below.  Click on them to enlarge.


Mid-morning view taken with my camera's zoom lens.

Looking up.  It seems that some of the original towers are getting spruced up.

Top of the Virgin Mary tower.  The year before, the star was still at ground level, awaiting placement.

Looking west along the north side of the Sagrada.

Tourists.  Some at the right are clustered around a model showing future additions to the building.  Note how small they are relative to even the east entrance.

Taken early evening on my iPhone.  The sun is about to set in the west.  Tours have been closed by this hour.

Sagrada Familia is lighted after sunset.  What appears to be a light shining between towers is the moon.

Later view taken by my iPhone.

1 comment:

  1. Until seeing your first photo I didn't realize how huge this thing is. Still being built in 2023 when most Europeans don't give religion more than lip service at most, unlike when the great cathedrals were built and additionally religion and the state (including local governments) were mixed with the Church in various ways.
